Repertory of Lithuanian cinemas

The largest platform of Lithuanian cinemas and their repertoire lists, where you can choose the most convenient time and place to watch the film you want

Lithuanian cinema repertoires in one place

Lithuania’s largest cinema platform is designed to make watching films smooth and enjoyable. Whether you’re looking for the latest blockbusters or other film news.

Structured film information and statistics

Our platform offers detailed structured information about films, such as directors, actors, genres, release date and more.

Film lovers can be the first to know where and when to watch the latest films. Film lovers can easily find everything they need to choose the film they want. Our platform allows viewers to quickly find out where and when the latest films are showing so they can enjoy the best cinema experience.

Cinema repertoire

Film repertoire

Film catalogue

Online ticket booking

Statistics and automated reports

Detailed description of the film

Cinema profiles

Newsletter subscriptions

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